When you have an event going on at your convention center, being able to offer a high-quality meal can add a great deal of value for the client and make the event really special for attendees. But what if you don’t want to equip your convention center with a state-of-the-art kitchen and hire on a professional chef? Culinary Specialties has the solution for you.
Individually Quick Frozen Meals
The secret to being able to serve your event attendees fresh tasting and great looking meals without needing a professional kitchen is our method of individually quick freezing each portion. Therefore, meals maintain their color and flavor, even the veggies. They are easy to reheat and serve, so you can provide a meal with minimal staff on-hand. We make providing high-quality food an easy process.
Every Meal, Every Course
We also offer a wide variety of products for your guests to enjoy. You can serve breakfast, lunch, or dinner to attendees, so the timing of the event doesn’t affect your ability to provide a meal. You can also offer every course from the starters and salads to pasta and entrees.
Your Source for Delicious Convention Meals
Culinary Specialties wants to help you provide tasty meals for your guests. To learn more about how we prepare, package, and deliver meals in a safe and timely manner, contact us today by calling 760-744-8220, or you can review our customizable meal options right here on our website and then request a quote online.